We were born as Ciudadano Inteligente, with the aim to reduce existing information asymmetries between candidacies and citizens. We created our first project: Vote Smart.
Ciudadanía Inteligente’s first project. Digital tool to inform citizens on presidential candidates, putting technology at the service of politics.
Digital platform to access information on elected legislators’ votes and on presented bills.
Website with information on the location of all cellular antennas in Chile.
We opened up a new space with our projects to know, in percentages, how much our elected authorities fulfill their promises, and how parliamentarians legislate in Chile.
Open data digital platform that allows citizens to access and share public information on their governments online.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
The first platform in Chile that centralized the public information requests system, through an online process.
Project to foster innovation and social entrepreneurship through the power of technology, open data and collaboration among social actors.
Project to register, from 20 meters high, massive student mobilizations happening in the country.
Ciudadanía Inteligente’s first blog, where content on our work was regularly published.
Digital platform where you can find detailed information about the conflicts interests of parliamentarians.
Assessment that allows citizens to compare the levels of congresses and parliaments’ transparency and access to information in Latin America.
Platform developed in alliance with a TV documentary broadcasted by TVN (Chilena national broadcaster) that tells the story of a community that faces the installation of a productive industry.
Digital tool to inform citizens on presidential candidates, putting technology at the service of politics.
With our projects, we consolidated our work to promote transparency and citizen participation.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
Primer producto como servicio desde FCI.
Project to foster innovation and social entrepreneurship through the power of technology, open data and collaboration among social actors.
Digital tool to inform citizens on presidential candidates, putting technology at the service of politics.
We worked in our Vote Smart platform to inform citizens about elections. We worked on the approval of a Transparency bill, so that everyone knows her right to access information. We also created tools to research conflicts of interests among legislators.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
Digital tool to inform citizens on presidential candidates, putting technology at the service of politics.
We developed tools to monitor elections, to compare bills and track legislative work, freedom of access to information, conflict of interests, to monitor government’s promises and campaign financing. The majority of these tools were first developed and tested in Chile, but this changed: they have been used in more than 10 cases and not only in Latin American countries, but also y countries far away such as Morocco.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
Citizen platform to report neighbourhood issues.
Project to foster innovation and social entrepreneurship through the power of technology, open data and collaboration among social actors.
Digital platform that allows for stances’ comparison between civil society and the government in relation to issues of public interest.
Assessment that allows citizens to compare the levels of congresses and parliaments’ transparency and access to information in Latin America.
Before Chile regulated lobby through a Lobby Law, we created a platform to transparent lobby activities exerted on authorities and public servants.
Website with information on legislation about how politics is financed in Chile.
Digital tool to inform citizens on presidential candidates, putting technology at the service of politics.
We presented lawsuits against 12 Chilean politicians involved in cases of illegal funding of campaigns: Penta, SQM and Corpesca cases. We also supported five electoral processes in the region.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
Project to promote and build open data, policies and open data uses to make Latin America in this area better.
Platform to inform citizens on the advancement in the legislative process of a bill or a particular commission.
Citizen platform to report neighbourhood issues.
Project to foster innovation and social entrepreneurship through the power of technology, open data and collaboration among social actors.
Innovación Social Aysén Chile.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Project that studied the impacts of nationalization on conflicts and cooperation around extractive activities in Bolivia, Ecuador and Perú.
Digital platform for the elaboration of citizen proposals against bribery and to inform on the lawsuits presented by Ciudadanía Inteligente against Chilean politicians involved in cases of bribery and illegal funding of politics.
Legislative advocacy project for tracking and analysing the progress of proposals issued by the Presidential Advisory Council on interest conflicts, influence trafficking and corruption.
Una estrategia de incidencia para UNICEF.
We transitioned from technological tools to in situ civic tech work. We started to explore whistleblowing technologies to promote citizen reporting of irregularities in political campaigns in Chile.
Open data digital platform that allows citizens to access and share public information on their governments online.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
Project to foster citizen participation in the constitutional process for Chile’s new Constitution.
Innovación Social México.
Innovación Social Puerto Rico.
Assessment that allows citizens to compare the levels of congresses and parliaments’ transparency and access to information in Latin America.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Legislative advocacy project for tracking and analysing the progress of proposals issued by the Presidential Advisory Council on interest conflicts, influence trafficking and corruption.
A multilateral initiative seeking to secure concrete commitments from national and subnational governments to promote open government, empower citizens, fight against corruption and to use the new technologies to strengthen governance.
A platform that looks to provide access to and citizen supervision on information published by Chilean political parties as active transparency, through visualizations, filters and comparisons.
An initiative to convene society, families, organizations, and everyone wanting to join, to share their expectations and proposals around a Chile that is been built, in the context of transformations and reforms.
Network that actively promotes transparency, access to information and responsibility in the congresses of Latin America. Ciudadanía Inteligente coordinated the network.
A platform that clarifies what can and cannot be done during different periods of electoral campaigning.
Digital tool to inform citizens on presidential candidates, putting technology at the service of politics.
Digital tool to inform citizens on presidential candidates, putting technology at the service of politics.
We explored, for the first time, civi tech and participatory methodologies to promote civic education among children and teenagers. We established a space for citizen to report irregularities during electoral campaigns, using popular apps such as WhatsApp. We combined technological and methodological tools to co-design policies.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
Study on the public account of the mayor of Rio de Janeiro.
Digital and methodological tools to bring the work of municipalities closer to neighbours, fostering the collective construction of neighbourhoods and communities.
Project developed with artificial intelligence to bring politics closer to citizens.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Innovación Social Puerto Rico.
Innovación Social Nicaragua.
Innovación Social Indonesia.
Un curso de generación y formación de proyectos sobre los desafíos de la democracias y generar soluciones en Brasil.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Digital platform to promote the participation and civic conscioiusness of children and teenagers.
A multilateral initiative seeking to secure concrete commitments from national and subnational governments to promote open government, empower citizens, fight against corruption and to use the new technologies to strengthen governance.
A survey that assess the transparency in public budget according to the amount and specificity of budget information that governments make public.
Network that actively promotes transparency, access to information and responsibility in the congresses of Latin America. Ciudadanía Inteligente coordinated the network.
A platform that clarifies what can and cannot be done during different periods of electoral campaigning.
Project that aimed to expose the role played by Brazilian companies in the institutional political crisis in Brazil, in the context of the Lava Jato operation.
Digital platform to denounce illegal electoral propaganda.
Digital platform to deliver information to citizens on the presidential and parliamentarians election.
We launched the first secure whistleblowing platform to report corruption anonymously and safely. We also experimented in new civic tech spaces and with new participatory methodologies to promote civic education among children and teenagers.
Anticorruption legal advice that offers free assistance to victims, witnesses and/or whistleblowers exposed to corruption where authorities and/or public servants are involved.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
A secure platform to report anonymously and safely bribery cases in Chile.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Guía de políticos de Panamá.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
Methodology created by Ciudadanía Inteligente to develop advocacy collaborative strategies that allow organizations and civil society actors to find solutions to a common problem.
A platform that connected citizens and candidacies committed with human rights.
A mobilization platform centered on the use of data to increase the presence of black women in institutional politics in Brazil.
A platform that allowed to visualize candidacies committed with citizen proposals.
Platform to report anonymously and safely hate speech during electoral processes.
Check the chilean Government's level of compliance on the commitments made in the National Agreement for Children.
We incubate and develop projects for allies such as Oxfam. the UN, and Latin American organizations. Our work is focused in electoral processes taking place this year in the region.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
Global alliance for Inclusive Algorithms to combat the biases reproduced by Artificial Intelligence.
Regional summit organized in alliance with Amnesty International that will bring together more than 100 activists from Latin America and 10 speakers to discuss four themes: Political Violence, Kleptocracy, Technology and Climate Crisis.
Check out these figures and graphics showing how the privileges of a few foster inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Vote Smart for municipal elections in Ecuador.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Project that transfers facilitation tools and methodologies to activists and forms emerging leaders in Latin America.
Digital platform to promote the participation and civic conscioiusness of children and teenagers.
Vote Smart for presidential elections in Guatemala.
A platform that clarifies what can and cannot be done during different periods of electoral campaigning.
We work with allies from all over Latin America to promote citizen participation through more inclusive electoral processes, along with accountability, transparency, openness in local governments and the fight for a free and feminist digital future.
A study that measures the fulfilling of legislative promises made by governments during their campaigns and public accounts speeches.
Una mezcla de herramientas digitales y metodológicas que acercan el trabajo de municipios a vecinas y vecinos, potenciando la construcción colectiva de barrios y comunidades.
Check how we promote citizen participation at national level during political processes in Chile after the social outbreak of October 2019.
Global alliance for Inclusive Algorithms to combat the biases reproduced by Artificial Intelligence.
A website for citizens to have comparable and transparent information on the positions of different Chilean actors, such as political parties and social organizations, in more than 20 thematic areas.
Check out these figures and graphics showing how the privileges of a few foster inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean.
An initiative that seeks to provide, throughout the municipal elections process in the State of Rio de Janeiro, greater citizen participation and training for candidates.
Our site with all the information to report corruption and demand protection for whistleblowers.
An open, collective and collaborative platform promoted by Ciudadanía Inteligente, the Global Initiative for Economic Rights, Consti Tu + Yo and the FES, which seeks to make visible and articulate citizen proposals for the new Constitution that will be connected with the daily work of the conventionals.
A 3-day virtual meeting, with speakers from all over the world to discuss how to build more open, participatory governments, with a gender perspective, diverse, inclusive and sustainable.